Looking for more exposure? If your company or organization is interested in marketing to guests at our shows or fundraising events, becoming a sponsor might be the right fit for you.
Champs for Autism presents a unique opportunity to reach an special needs audience through a one-of-a-kind branding and marketing platform.
Opportunities are available for companies in a variety of industries including travel, financial services, art, fashion, jewelry and luxury products.
CFA offers a number of sponsorship packages that can be tailored to your organization’s unique needs and goals.
By partnering with Champs for Autism , your organization can can expect customized advertising packages that include:
Utilize a unique and innovative promotional platform
Build brand awarenessin a niche audience
Gain valuable insight into the needs and wants of an early-adopting market segment
Cultivate profitable relationships through direct interaction with clients
sponsoring a particular performance or event
program ads
hyperlinks on our website
inserts in mailed ticket orders
and much more
Complete the form below for more infomation